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Relieving Constipation with Natural Remedies

Submitted by Rudy Silva on 2013-10-23 and viewed 1745 times.
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Isn’t it time for you to take control of your health. Have you been having trouble with constipation? Take this condition seriously. Constipation is a toxic condition that can lead to many other illnesses. Read this article to find out more about how constipation can make your body toxic.

If you have regular bouts with constipation frequently, you set yourself up to some serious body conditions. When fecal matter stays in various parts of your colon, your colon walls are exposed to toxic matter, which ends up in your blood stream. Typically, fecal matter moves quickly and completely through your colon, leaving little or no residue.

As fecal matter remains in your colon, as in constipation, for days, your colon walls get exposure to toxic matter and gases that are absorbed through the colon walls and get in to your blood stream. Now, where does that toxic matter go? Well, it depends on where your fecal matter got stuck. Every spot on your colon is connected to a different spot on your body and whatever passes through that part of the colon will go to that part of the body.

Toxic Brain

For example, the transverse colon feeds your brain. If your fecal matter remains in that area for days, then toxicity that penetrated the transverse colon from that fecal matter will travel to your brain and contaminate it. If you have foggy thinking, have difficulty concentrating, or lack awareness and focus, you may be feeling the effects of constipation.

In your blood stream, toxic matter from the colon decreases the oxygen that reaches your cells or tissues. This is a serious condition, since you usually need more oxygen than you are typically getting.

When you have serious constipation, you mostly likely have to strain and squeeze to have bowel movement. This type of situation usually leads to other conditions, such as hemorrhoids or varicose veins.

In the Past

Over 80 years ago or more, many doctors knew about the importance of a clean colon. In 1908 Eli Metchnifoff, director of the Pasteur Institute, was awarded that year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine. His research showed that pathogenic colon bacteria, bad bacteria, produced toxic secretions and by products, which acted as slow poisoning of the entire body.

Metchnifoff believed that toxic matter coming from your colon was responsible for every degenerating disease. His belief was so strong that he believed that man's life span was cut in half, when his colon was neglected and allowed to have excessive toxic producing bacteria.

Dr. Joseph H. Greer

During 1931, Dr. Joseph H. Greer, was telling his patients how to end constipation and prevent it. Today, nutritionists and other health practitioners are telling their clients the very same thing.

In his small pamphlet, The Drugless Road to Perfect Health, 1931, Joseph H. Greer, M.D. tells his patients,

"You must have 'roughage' to make the bowels move freely. Concentrated food (processed foods) and constipation go hand in hand, (and) then pills (laxatives) are used. More constipation and more pills, it is a vicious circle with bad results.

Don't be afraid of cracked wheat, cornmeal, cut oats, raw cabbage, onions and celery. They are far better than refined flour and the package foods that flood the market. They may save some labor in the kitchen, but they produce constipation."

Today nutritionists and other alternative practitioners know that constipation is a signal that cannot be ignored and your colon function must be kept efficient and functioning well. To ignore constipation for long periods of time can lead to some serious illnesses. These type of illnesses will most likely end your life prematurely or cause you a disability.

Constipation is a symptom you cannot ignore - even if it occurs only occasionally -because it leads to slow poisoning of your entire body.

In the past and even in the present, many doctors refused to believe that constipation can cause your body to become toxic. It is well established by naturopathic doctors that constipation is a condition that should not be tolerated frequently. Yet, you will still find internet blogs, articles, anatomy books, and health books suggesting that for some people or anyone not having bowel movements in 3 days or more can be normal.

Don’t wait for constipation to really make you ill or for a doctor to verify that constipation does cause your body damage. It’s up to you not your doctor to keep yourself free of illness. Don’t you think now is a good time to start?

Article Source:

Fed up with constipation discomfort? View this free video to get tips on how to get rid of it, Constipation cures . No need for you to have constipation, when there are natural remedies. Fecal matter that stays in your colon too long is poison. But the good thing is you can do something about it. Check out this video at Constipation .

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