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Dangers of Candida Yeast Infection

Submitted by MichaelWinicki on 2011-09-21 and viewed 847 times.
Total Word Count: 348
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One problem is the overuse of antibiotics. The body is not meant to be on antibiotics, particularly for a long period of time and could have

You probably already know that a Candida yeast infection is not a pleasant experience, even if you have never had one yourself. But do you know that repeated or chronic Candida yeast infection can actually have other side effects and complications? What are some of the dangers of Candida yeast infection ?

One problem is the overuse of antibiotics. The body is not meant to be on antibiotics, particularly for a long period of time and could have a negative reaction to this. Antibiotics kill the good flora in our bodies and intestines and can cause great complications as well as weaken the immune system and make it easier to contract other diseases and conditions as well.

Dental problems can also result from Candida. Dental amalgam and resultant mercury toxicity are often reported in patients with chronic Candida yeast infection. Candida yeast emits many different toxins which can have devastating effects on the body both inside and out. It can weaken your immune system and also travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body, including the brain and other essential organs.

A person with Candida yeast infection will also have an increased risk of becoming dehydrated and increased risk of other infection as well as fever. You could have problems with digesting and absorbing your food properly which can lead to other nutritional problems.

Another problem is that chronic Candida infection has a high chance of becoming recurring, meaning it makes it more likely that you will get it again and again, especially if you do not make certain life changes to prevent this from happening. Talk with your doctor about what you can do and what steps you can take to reduce your chances of recurring Candida yeast infection.

These are just some of the many dangers of Candida yeast infection, particularly recurring infection or that which goes untreated for prolonged periods of time. If you feel that you may have Candida overgrowth or a problem with recurring Candida yeast infection, talk with your doctor about what type of life changes you need to make to correct this problem.

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Michael Winicki has been working with candida, yeast sufferers for over 7 years now helping thousands obtain relief.

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