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Whiplash Compensation Going Ballistic

Submitted by Mumtaz Shah on 2006-08-12 and viewed 6180 times.
Total Word Count: 574

There are over 200,000 whiplash compensation claims processed every year, however the number increases as more and more people are coming on the road every day. Learn the basic facts and you shouldn't have a problem with the final result.

One of the most common accident claims today is whiplash compensation. Over 200,000 car accident claims occur in the UK every year and the number increases as more and more people pass their driving test and get use to the road.

Many drivers even before they qualify for a license think its cool to drive knowing little about the real safety on the roads. Generally starts off by peer pressure and could drastically lead to a dangerous, unforgettable event.

So whiplash compensation claims are on the rise. Everyone feels they’re a better driver, but who are you really proving it to. Worse case scenario a death is not really justifiable if you think about it. Talking about such dramatic incidents, how many people of the loved ones passed away really consider making a whiplash injury claim? Initially not many!

Car accidents do occur and whiplash claims are made. A passenger in any form of transport will most definitely come out shining with their bank balance increased. But what you have to remember it’s not for the money, it’s for the inconvenience caused. The trouble you go through to get your life back on track.

However an accident claim made by a driver, has one real issue.

Who is at fault?


Your Whiplash Compensation Claim

If the accident is not your fault, considering one has admitted liability is not straight-forward anymore. At the scene when you exchange details, one may admit fault, meaning one walks away unhappy. But what happens a couple of days later when the fault driver’s insurance company calls and informs you they haven’t admitted fault and are investigation the accident.

Insurance companies have made it really difficult for everyone. Surely they don’t want to make a loss, but is it helping or causing problems for their clients? Fault or non-fault, they can place everyone, fault or non-fault on hold for at least 3 months. Why 3 months? It’s called a protocol period. A period where the fault side has 3 months to come up with answers. An investigation period!

Leaving it all to your insurance company to handle your whiplash compensation claim may seem convenient and obviously it’s obligatory for them to ask. Everyone jumps to yes, but it’s your decision to say yes or no. Just because you took out an expensive policy doesn’t mean they will bend over backwards or go the extra mile to ensure you get maximum compensation in the least possible time. No!

The real advantage you have is when you seek the advice of company who has a panel of personal injury solicitors who also don’t work on behalf of insurance companies. A compensation claim made with your insurance company is convenient, but is it for their benefit or yours?

Over time the guidelines for making a whiplash claim are becoming more and more complicated. Previously you would have to answer probably about 5 – 10 questions but nowadays it’s more like 50. History proved that insurance companies were making a killing from policyholders, but now that’s changed.

People have become smart and do consider making a whiplash injury claim as that’s what the policy covers. The only problem is who really wants to help. By asking questions you can and will eliminate many obstacles so don’t be intimidated with the overload of questions. Have a compensation solicitor handle the work and you will come out shining.

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It's easy to proceed with a">whiplash compensation and gain maximum results without the hassle, costs and confusion. Discover the 12 revolutions of injury claims at