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Submitted by Becky Cross on 2006-08-22 and viewed 12502 times.
Total Word Count: 589

Each year, thousands of workers injure themselves undertaking manual handling at work.


The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended) apply to a wide range of manual handling activity, such as lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying etc.


Over one third of ‘over three day injuries’ reported to the Health & Safety Executive and local authorities involve manual handling. 


The regulations require employers to:

AVOID the need for hazardous manual handling, as far as is reasonably practicable. 

ASSESS the risk of injury from any hazardous manual handling that cannot be avoided – and-

REDUCE the risk of injury from hazardous manual handling as far as is reasonably practicable. 


Employees have a role to play too.  They should follow appropriate systems, make proper use of equipment, co-operate with their employer on Health & Safety matters and of course, take care to ensure their activities do not put others at risk.


The Health & Safety Executive publish a short guide called ‘Getting to Grips with Manual Handling’.  It contains all the technical details you will ever need to know on manual handling. Go to


The Royal College of Nursing also produce ‘The RCN Code of Practice for Patient Handling’.  Go to


Amazingly, some employers have no knowledge of their obligations to train staff involved in manual handling.  Even if you have received manual handling training and have still suffered a personal injury through lifting – you should seek legal help.


If you have suffered a back injury, shoulder injury or arm/wrist injury and want some clear legal advice, click to 


We offer 100% compensation.  No deductions – you keep all the compensation.  Never deal with a firm that deducts any of your compensation.  You are entitled to every penny!

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