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Car Accident Claim Specialists

Submitted by Lindsay Nolan on 2007-06-29 and viewed 22788 times.
Total Word Count: 720

Car accidents happen often, and if you are ever involved in one and the fault wasn’t yours, you can make your car accident claim.

A car accident is a well too common thing nowadays unfortunately, and if it someday happens to you, then know that you have the possibility of making a car accident injury claim. Statistically, every car owner will be involved in at least one accident during his or her lifetime. Every year there are more than a million persons that die in car accidents, and a staggering number of 40 million are injured.

In most cases the reason is the human error, in 9 of 10 accidents to be more precise. Alcohol slows the driver's reflexes and makes him or her estimate distances incorrectly. Some drivers like to talk on the mobile phone while on the road without using hands-free systems, and this is a mistake that leads to many accidents. Then there are other factors, like outside noises, fatigue and excessive speed. But a driver with common sense tries to avoid those.

Apart human error, poor road maintenance and car mechanical problems are also common factors. But no matter the reason of the accident, if you are not to blame for it, then I recommend you make your car accident claim. Sure, few car accidents (in percentage) end up with loss of life, but most result in injuries that can sometimes last for a lifetime. So it's important to know what do do after getting hit by another car. Let's talk about that, shall we?

After getting out of your own car, get the name and the address of the other driver(s). Don't stop there: ask for their phone numbers, e-mail addresses and anything that will make it easier to contact them later on. Also, remember to ask them for their insurance company name and number.

After this small 'interrogatory', focus on the other car. Write down its license plate number, its color, and even how it was damaged in the accident. If you can, snap some photos of the scene. Do the same procedures with the exact accident place (writing it down and photographing it if you have this option).

Next, try not to get involved in meaningless discussions with the other person(s) that participated at the accident. It already happened, and there's nothing that you or them can do about it now. Instead, get the witnesses' data (names, addresses, and ways to contact them). After you've done all of this you can call the police and the insurance company.

Your status as a person who requests a claim is called 'claimant'. The party which got you injured, be it a person or a company, is called the defendant. Things are always messy when going to Court. Prepare for it, because it can last for a long time, and it's probably going to be stressful. However, the medical bills need payment.

Fortunately not all cases end up in Court. As a matter of fact, few cases do. In most of the times the lawyer will be smart enough to arrive to an agreement with the other party. That's why it's crucial to use the services of a good lawyer. It's easy to do that, as many companies specialized in this sort of things have lots of great lawyers at their disposal. If you don't know such a person, ask your family and friends. If you still have no luck, just make a quick search on the World Wide Web. There are literally dozens of companies which will gladly help you and appoint you an attorney.

And they will help you for free. After you get a good attorney who has a good experience in car accident claims, just relax and let him do his job. Sure, some medical appointments and a few interviews will require your presence, but that's about it. Be honest when giving your answers, because that's how your attorney becomes the most efficient. He will gather as much evidence as he can to support your case.

The exact amount of compensation you'll get is impossible to predict from the start, as complications may arise during the investigations. However, an estimation figure will be given by your attorney at the beginning of the case, as he will probably have seen cases like yours before. Therefore, with your attorney doing his best to provide you with his services, you can step back, relax, and simply wait for your car accident injury claim.

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With a good lawyer and solid pieces of evidence gathered from the accident scene, your">car accident claim will surely be a success.