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Home : Knee Injury


A knee injury can prevent you from walking again!

A knee injury is very distressing as it makes a difference, when you can't walk properly. Even the smallest amount of impact to one of the knees can cause persistent pain. Our knees are vulnerable to so many types of injuries and what's more is that knee injuries can be very difficult to take care of.

Knee injuries can take several months to heal and during the recovery period, an injured can frequently experience extended periods of pain, misery, inconvenience and lack of mobility which reduces quality of life considerably. If this is you then you need to make sure that your knee injury settlement case compensates for your time as well as pain.

Activities such as jogging, walking or running, involves the whole weight of the body being carried by the knees. But as well as bending and straightening, the knee joint allows rotation and pivoting.


Most people who suffer from this experience will know just how much it can affect their quality of life, especially to young active people who can't play their favourite sport, in fact any sport you play most likely will involve the knee doing the most work.

If you think that having a bad day at work is bad then imagine having a bad session of sports because you couldn't play football or tennis etc. Long term injury is where you would probably be most effected, financially because of work absence, which could possibly also result in receiving more compensation. In most cases if injured having a record of the after effects and details of the injury; will help the case in quite a few ways such as the strength of the case and the time it takes for the settlement.

A few factors need to be revised when making a claim for personal injury, such as the who, what and where was to blame for the accident. Seeing your GP or attending the hospital, is the first best step as you are being treated. Even if it's minor, compensation can wait as your health is more important at this stage. Then if you do claim for compensation your medical records will help the solicitor during your case to support your claim.

From time to time many people with an injury to their knee end up resting for a couple of weeks and then participating in light exercises to gain energy again. It might be that you tripped on the road while walking to a nearby friends house or fell over an uneven surface. You return home limping to receive comfort from your family.

Well was it your fault if the road was in need of repair? No it was the councils as they haven't fulfilled their duty to ensure the streets were in reasonable condition.

Cases like these are handled by 100% Compensation who will give you a free assessment whether you have a case or not. The first thing to do is, speak to these specialists who will deal with your knee accident cases. Check their site for a streamlined and hassle free service.


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