shoulder injury
Home : Shoulder Injury


Shoulder injury means lack of life enjoyments...

So what did happen? How did your shoulder injury happen? Did you report your shoulder injury to anyone? These are just some of the questions that the solicitor might ask while making a shoulder injury claim for personal injury. You should be sure and certain to answer these and other relevant questions which will be asked to help you claim the right amount of compensation, This is not to blame you for being the victim of the injury or to put you off making a successful claim.

You may be amazed at just how much compensation you can receive because of an injury to your shoulder. You might be surprised at the reality that the shoulder has got the greatest range of motion against any other joint in the human body.


Our shoulders allow us to put our hands where they need to be, for example at work, play and all of our daily activities; these can also sometimes affect the neck at times if you quickly turn your neck when you're not injured. So because an injury to the shoulders can cause a lot of stress or mental disability you should be awarded a good sum in compensation.


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You need to make an attempt to at least go to the doctors or even the hospital to make your case progress efficiently. Your medical record is a key evidence which will support your case and help you stand a better chance of winning your case and receiving compensation.

There are many people who are against antibiotics so therefore would rather wait for the pain to naturally go away. This may be that some people believe if there is real pain they should really feel it and not just take drugs or antibiotics to heel the pain. Of course no one can really take the pain away but why should one suffer when it was not their fault. Well, beats the hell out of me...

Now, let's see how different people injure themselves in different ways. The most common way of spraining, twisting or injuring the shoulder is by falling! Is it, well the truth is that the number of ways that these accidents occur are endless.

For example, it could be from a RTA (Road Traffic Accident), Trip Slip, or even falling off a ladder whilst at work. There are a numerous amount of claims that result in claiming off restaurants' and supermarket insurance such as walking out when the floor was slippery, of course, the cleaner forgot to put up the 'wet floor' sign for you to see. So if you have had an injury to your shoulder within the last 3 years, provided that the accident was caused by the negligence of another party then make sure to have someone look at the case, if it wasn't your fault then it most probably will be someone else's fault. Remember you are legally entitled to compensation amongst all citizens.

Get it checked out by 100% Compensation, who will hold you by the hand without causing more pain to your shoulders and help you with maximum compensation. Injuries or accidents can be minor or fatal, so don't feel alone and can't get help. Get a free assessment whether you claim or not.



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