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Home : Spinal Injury


Does money substitute a spinal injury? Ask the ones who are caring!

A spinal injury is one of the most devastating injuries one could ever want. Christopher Reeve (Superman) had a spinal injury. He broke his cord in several places. That made him paralyzed for life. He battled as much as he could for many years but unfortunately was unable to success. God bless his soul.

A spinal cord injury could lead a person to being impartially or fully paralyzed. This could be a sudden blow to the spine that dislocates or fractures the vertebrae. It is more likely to cause fractures and compression to the vertebrae, which then crush and destroy the axons which are extensions of nerve cells that carry signals through the spinal cord between the brain and the rest of the body.


An injury to the spinal cord can damage a few, many, or almost all of these axons which of course can lead to major damage to the victims' everyday life. Some injuries will allow almost complete recovery, especially if the pain is caused by continuous lifting of heavy boxes. Others will result in complete paralysis.


100% Compensation


What can be said about the victims of a tragic incident resulting to permanent injury to the spinal?

Well, first of all do you know anyone who has suffered such an accident resulting to permanent loss of movement to the lower or upper body? Even if you do it is unlikely that you will be able to understand the same pain the victim is feeling. Or maybe, you can help a member of family or best friend to claim compensation they deserve, because if the accident wasn't even their fault then someone must be held accountable.

Who or how, is what you need to find out and to put a case forward regarding a claim for compensation for personal injury. It could be another turning point for the innocent injured because legally they will be entitled maybe to thousands of pounds for their absence from their normal everyday social life and any other losses that they may have faced.

Compensation may not help the victim to enjoy but it will help the people who love them. Financially, money is required to take care of the injured maybe even full time. Get some support or help.

You will not risk anything even though the timescale can expand from several months to a couple of years. A prime example of a victim that won over £2.1million for compensation, for a car accident that was involved in a head on collision. Did this help the family? Course it did!

Be confidence in making a claim if the victim was not at fault from 100% Compensation. It's quite a firm that deals with spinal injuries. Claims of these types can be processed quicker depending on if you help with the necessary information that is required. Primarily you should be able to provide full details of your accident in as much detail as you can, such as how it happened, whether the GP was attended to, accident recorded by any authority, was a visit made to the hospital? Try getting hold of enough evidence to back up the after affects caused by the accident.

As a matter of fact, even if you haven't got much proof then 100% Compensation will collaborate the evidence from various sources. Feel free for a free assessment.



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